Thursday 19 January 2023

Winter walks and smartphones

I’ve long held out against smartphones as the last thing I want is to be contactable at any time. I like going for long walks and getting away from it all. I like doing one thing at a time. I like feeling in charge of my own life. I prefer emailing to texting because I can do it on my full-size keyboard at home and take time to think before answering. Why would I want to pay £20 a month when at the moment I pay about £20 a year? Why use up more of the earth's resources by replacing something that still works?

Recently however I’ve begun to worry that I’m getting so far behind with technology that I’ll never catch up. Everybody else communicates by text and my fingertips are cracked from pounding the numbers on my ancient phone as I answer them. A friend has suggested listening to audio books at night when I can’t sleep and that I could do this on a smartphone.

So, last week I took the plunge and got one. Most of it I hate and find far more difficult than my old phone. For example, it’s ten stages to dial 999 whereas it was two before. Friends assure me that I’ll soon sail through, but my list of questions gets longer and longer. To my surprise, however, I’ve taken to the camera.

I’ve been using it over the last three days on my walks and here are the results – to begin with, in my opinion, a bit iffy but getting better by the third day! 

I should probably be doing this on Instagram . . . I'll let you know if and when.





  1. I am also new to my smartphone but absolutely love it … especially the camera. I haven’t picked up my proper camera since I’ve had my new phone which does make me a bit sad but the phone takes such good photos. It is very easy though to get sucked into a world of mindless scrolling and hours seem to get lost every day. The only problem is that I can only comment on blogs anonymously … but I blame that on blogger and not my phone. Take care x. Carol … Life if Pottering

  2. Sorry … meant to also say … Instagram is a bit of a step too far for me too 😂 Carol x

  3. Lovely to hear from you, Carol. Am struggling with Whatsapp at the moment! (And for those of you interested, Carol lives at )


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