Tuesday 24 January 2023

Wild and free

The sky
One place that’s still (mostly) wild and free is the sky. It’s never the same twice and always beautiful and inspiring. (Even grey days have their charm!)
Here are some pictures I took yesterday.

I’ve always known these long thin strands of cloud as ‘angel hair’. I thought that was their official name but a quick Google reveals that Joni Mitchell used the phrase in the song ‘Both sides now’ (1967). Whether she was the first, I don’t know. It’s a lovely description, anyway.


Last night’s sunset with a just-past-new moon (new last Saturday) and Venus.

Right to roam
Talking of wild and free, I’ve recently signed up for the campaign Right to Roam started by Nick Hayes (author of The Book of Trespass) and Guy Shrubsole (author of Who Owns England?). I’ve read the first book but not the second (yet).

They present the shocking fact that we are banned from 92% of England’s countryside and 97% of its rivers, which is wrong on so many counts that I won’t even get started (for the moment).
Although since Frog died just over a year ago I haven’t watched or listened to The News (as it’s called – although to my mind most of it is slanted scaremongering Olds), I believe there’s been a recent protest on Dartmoor when a new landowner banned wild camping (or ‘camping’ as we used to call it before there was such a thing as non-wild camping).
Thank goodness for people like Nick and Guy.


And here, just for fun, is my angel. She's very wild and free (even though she pretends otherwise).


  1. I don’t blame you for not watching the news. There really doesn’t seem to be any good news at all at the moment. If your photos are taken with your phone it looks like you are getting on well with it 😀. Carol … lifeofpottering

  2. Yes, I like the phone because it's so easy to to take pictures, and use the different settings. My camera was fiddly and beginning to play up. 🙂


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