Thursday 11 July 2019

Saying goodbye to THE BANKER'S NIECE (for the moment)

I probably won’t be posting any more extracts from the novel on this blog. This is because I shall soon start having to give away major plot points and this will spoil the novel for people who come across these later chapters without having read earlier ones.

About a third of the book is still to come. For those of you who’ve stuck with it so far, thank you. I know it’s hard to keep tabs on the plot when you’re having to read it in such a disjointed way but rest assured that everything in the novel is connected and everything is there for a purpose. All will be explained and ends tied up (I hope) – in due course.

When I’m feeling strong I might explore ways of publishing the novel as a whole. I’ll keep you informed.

That’s today’s position anyway. I may change my mind. It has been known.

In the meantime, here are three pictures from recent dogwalks.

Wild 'dog' rose in a field hedgerow
A misty view from a nearby National Trust park
A drove road (ancient track) on the Somerset Levels