Thursday 26 January 2023

A halo of light?

In the previous post, I said that even grey days have their charm. Here is some proof from yesterday which was both frosty and foggy. 
In the vineyard
This is the field behind the house, used in part as a vineyard farmed organically – hence the lovely long grass.

To my eye this scene was much whiter and more wintry than it appears in the picture, but that may just be my eyes. After all, the camera is much younger than I am.

On top of the hill
Here I am on top of the hill behind the house where three beech trees stand in a line, perhaps the remains of a hedge. This is two of them. 


Am I dreaming or is there a halo of light around both trees?

It's interesting that the pictures have come out in different colours. In the first one I'm facing west and in the second north. In this case the camera is more sensitive than I am, because I hadn't noticed any difference.


  1. I must admit that I am sometimes surprised with what my iPhone camera does with the sky. Sometimes it really picks up the light in a totally different way to what I think my eyes have seen. It can make a real difference depending on where you touch the screen to focus the camera before taking the photo and taking in opposite directions does give a totally different photo light wise. Glad you are having fun getting used to it 😀 Carol x

    1. I'm interested in what you say about where you focus the picture. I wondered if I could do that. I shall experiment. Many thanks for the tip. 🙂 x

  2. Yes have a go. Sometimes I touch the screen on the sky and I can see the picture will be overexposed. If you touch it elsewhere it changes totally. I am a total convert to the iPhone camera 😊 Carol x

  3. Brilliant. I shall give it a try. 😊😊


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