Wednesday 22 July 2020

The Trap, The Sewing Bee and The Novel

It’s been a long time since I blogged – for various reasons – and the longer I leave it the more difficult it becomes to start again. I have however been thinking about a brief update of some of the topics I’ve touched on in past posts, so here it is.

The Trap

The police visited the farmer and he said he wasn’t trying to catch buzzards (which is illegal) and checked the trap every day and let them out. What he was trying to catch was foxes so that he could shoot them as they were killing his chickens.
Apparently it’s legal to shoot foxes – which I didn’t know – so the police left it at that.
I shall still check the trap if I can as trapped birds beat their wings against the bars of cages and can hurt themselves.
And I’m looking into organisations that protect foxes, as I find it horrifying that they can legally be shot.

Earlier post – ‘Meltdown’

Our local fox, last seen in March. Is she still alive? (Photograph by Trish Currie)

The Sewing Bee

My 'tunic of many colours' is at last finished. It’s turned into a dress and changed its name to ‘my lockdown dress’. It doesn't look half bad on, even though I say so myself, and I might even wear it.

My lockdown dress

The Novel

I’ve received the second report and, while it’s more positive than the first one, still flags up lots of problems with The Banker’s Niece (see right). Consequently I’ve decided to leave that novel for the moment and try to start something new. I think I’ve had enough of TBN anyway and the report – though painful – has helped me make a decision about it.
I realise now however that writing TBN has kept me going for the last ten years and that without it I feel like I’m nothing. Hence the lack of blog posts, perhaps.
Fingers crossed that I can start something new.
It was a wonderful experience serialising the novel on this blog (as I wrote its final draft) and enormous thanks to all of you who followed it at the time as well as those of you who've read it since. You've made it worthwhile.


  1. Hi - have a look at this link - although not exactly what you are looking for, they may be able to give advice or even point you in the right directions for your fox x

  2. Thanks so much, Kate. This looks to be exactly what I was looking for. I wonder why it didn't come up in my searches. x

  3. Hi dear B thank you so much for your persistence in protecting our fox - I hope she's still alive too.
    Your lockdown dress is absolutely beautiful.
    Writing TBN for 10 years - wow - What a process you have been through...I SO enjoyed reading it...and now you are letting it go...take time to mourn it.....and starting on something new - that is huge - it does take courage... I'm full of yourself when the time is right you will find a way....and you are always something - a lovely something - writing or not. Take care and a big hug T xx

  4. Dear Trish - thank you for your lovely comments and your encouragement. You made me cry. I wonder about you all the time and how you're getting on. xx


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