Sunday 12 February 2023

What I noticed

 Here is what I noticed on my walk this afternoon.

The entrance to a gnome house?

Another little house, which lives in . . .

. . . this self-sufficiency village 

What a poet friend once called a 'selvedge' of light on the horizon

One of the many celandines that have started popping up in the last week. Welcome to you all, oh harbingers of spring!

I also noticed a hawthorn tree covered in leaf shoots and my favourite acid yellow lichen, but it was right at the beginning of the walk and I didn't think it was important to photograph them because I didn't yet have the idea for this post. It turned out that I should have. Let that be a lesson to me to listen to my instincts.


  1. I think you can only get macro on the iPhone 13 and up. Mine’s a 12 🧐 Carol. (Replying to your comment on my blog post)

  2. Replies
    1. Incidentally, how do you get the grids? (Your phone may of course be different from mine.)

    2. On mine it’s settings … camera … grid. X

    3. Thanks so much. x


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