Wednesday 20 September 2017

Cobwebby days

Some days cobwebs are everywhere. They’re probably everywhere all the time but it’s a heavy dew that's showing them up. Monday was one such day. Here is a selection of what I saw.

It was the multiple guy-ropes (if you can see them in this picture) that intrigued me about this one

This complex structure is similar to an even bigger one that a certain butterfly or moth makes for its caterpillars, so whether it's a spider's web or not I don't know

This one caught my eye because it was balanced so precariously between two dead cow-parsley stalks. (Spot the dog . . . )

The next three pictures were taken one January (2013) and included in this blog at the time. I think they're worth repeating.

I’m afraid I’ve been bombarding you with posts recently. I shall try and take a break – at least for a few days.


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