Tuesday, 26 November 2019

The Banker's Niece: List of music and books


Chapter 5
‘I was made to love you’ from Dreamweaver (1976) by Gary Wright
Chapter 26
‘Love minus zero’ from Bringing it all Back Home (1965) by Bob Dylan
‘Ne me quitte pas’ performed by Nina Simone, written by Jacques Brel
Chapter 39
The Albion Band (1st album under that name, Rise up like the Sun, March 1978)
Electric Light Orchestra (ELO) (eg Out of the Blue, 1977)
Chapter 41
‘Today’ from Surrealistic Pillow (1967) by Jefferson Airplane
Chapter 43
‘Sweet Jane’ from Loaded (1970) by The Velvet Underground
‘Love minus zero’ (written by Bob Dylan, performed by the Walker Brothers) from Take It Easy with The Walker Brothers (1965)
‘Life’s been good’ from But Seriously Folks (1978) by Joe Walsh
‘Jealous guy’ from Imagine (1971) by John Lennon
‘Her father didn’t like me anyway’ from The Humblebums (1969) by the Humblebums
‘Love chronicles’ from Love Chronicles (1969) by Al Stewart
‘To see you’ from The Machine that Cried (1973) by String Driven Thing
Chapter 44
‘Never going back again’ from Rumours (1977) by Fleetwood Mac

Books (and tarot cards)

Chapter 1
Sharon uses a pack called Cosmic Tarot (1988) by the German artist Norbert Lősche
Chapter 2
(Mole and Badger are characters in) The Wind in the Willows (1908) by Kenneth Grahame
Chapter 14
The Magician’s Nephew (1955) in the Narnia series (1950-6) by C S Lewis
Chapter 16 
The Wind in the Willows (1908) by Kenneth Grahame
Chapter 22
(Gabriel Oak and Bathsheba are characters in) the film (1967) and book Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) by Thomas Hardy
Chapter 28
(Puddleglum is a character in) The Silver Chair (1953) in the Narnia series (1950-6) by C S Lewis
Chapter 30
(Mole/Moly is a character in) The Wind in the Willows (1908) by Kenneth Grahame
Chapter 31     
(Mr Darcy is a character in) Pride and Prejudice (1813) by Jane Austen
Chapter 33
(Hagrid is a character in) the Harry Potter series (1997-2007) by J K Rowling
Chapter 34
(Gabriel Oak is a character in) the film (1967) and book Far from the Madding Crowd (1874) by Thomas Hardy
Chapter 37
(The Heffalump Trap features in) Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) by A A Milne
(Strider is a character in) The Fellowship of the Ring (1954) in The Lord of the Rings series (1954-5) by J R R Tolkien

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