Sunday 18 March 2018

The world is beautiful now

I might already have three items for the list mentioned yesterday.

1 Expect the unexpected
We don’t know how things are going to turn out. They might even turn out well, in spite of all our fears. For instance, I never expected to wake up this morning and find the world transformed into a fairy tale. (I ignore weather forecasts and media warnings on principle, especially after the frenzy a few weeks ago.)

2 We are not in charge
In common with AutumnCottage Diarist, I appreciate the loss of control that extreme weather brings. Extreme weather reminds us that we are part of something bigger. We are not unimportant, but nor are we in charge. That is hugely reassuring.

3 The world is beautiful now . . .
. . . whatever happens in the future. And here are some pictures taken this morning to prove it (I hope).

Trying to photograph snowflakes falling . . .
What is sky and what is earth?
For once Ellie is camouflaged (albeit muddy)
Snow building up along the bottom of my workroom window as I write
And now I really must stop blogging and get back to The Novel.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the 3 items on your list and the photos are really gorgeous .... so I hope you'll keep blogging in between chapters of your novel...X


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