Saturday 3 February 2018


The first anniversary of my mother’s death falls in three weeks’ time.
At this time last year I was too busy to get the winter blues. I was editing a monthly magazine and going up and down to Kent every few weeks to see my mother and to help my brothers and sisters with her care.
This winter has been for me much more difficult. I don't know what to do with myself and I don't see any future but ill-health and death. Am I grieving? Am I remaking myself, like Trish Currie in ‘What’s cooking’, who is also dealing with bereavement?
Will I feel better when I’ve passed the anniversary?
I hope so.

And here, because ruins seem to be a bit of theme at the moment, are some pictures from last winter of Burrow Mump in Somerset.

The ruined church on top of the 'mump' (hill), with me and the dog to the left. (Photograph by Frog.)

The extraordinary sky that afternoon


  1. Welcome to new follower Christine.

  2. I expect you are still grieving can be a long and unchartered journey.
    I was surprised how terrible I felt in the weeks leading up to the first anniversary of Robin's death....and seriously much better afterwards. Be gentle with yourself.
    And what an extraordinary and startling sky - beautiful pictures - thank you for posting them. TX

  3. Your blog is a great example to me. Bx
    (And thank you for your kind comment about the pix.)


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