Sunday 7 April 2013

Signs of the times

Although late, primroses are putting on an extra-special display this year:

Last year it was the turn of celandines to excel – in both size and quantity – but this year they’re back to normal. Don’t you love their tiny heart-shaped leaves.

The ditch where I saw the frogspawn seven weeks ago (goodness, how time flies) has now dried out. I fear the tadpoles have had it.
    (When I passed by this morning a toad was sitting in the mud. I wish I’d taken a photograph then. What do you think she/he was doing?)

Stitchwort is always the first of what I call the ‘hedgerow’ flowers to appear. I saw this lone clump beside the road on Friday, shivering in the Siberian blast (me and the plant) - hence the slightly blurred picture:

The magnificent shiny trowel-shaped leaves of wild arum (lords and ladies) which are popping up all over the place. Some of them look to be about a foot in length.


  1. Love the primroses, they are loving this cool damp weather. As for the rest...aaargh...weeds!! Only joking, they are very pretty, but I do spend a lot of time digging the other three out. Actually now I think about it I've had to dig a lot of primroses out this year too, but I've found good homes for all those. and yes, celandines are beautiful!

  2. Lovely pics, but I couldn't spot the toad - my eyesight must be even worse than I thought.

  3. Nina - I think that's what I don't like about gardening - having to dig up wildflowers.

    Pat - sadly, I didn't get a photo of the toad but wish I had. (Like the profile pic.)

    Thanks both for reading and commenting.


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