Monday 18 February 2013


What can you say about spring – about the light, the sudden warmth of the sun, the breakfast birdsong, the uncomfortable stirrings that make you want to do more with your life than eat, the fact that the ground no longer feels like a sponge and the mud doesn’t reach to the top of your wellies – that hasn’t all been said before? So perhaps I won’t say anything and simply show you these pictures of the first frogspawn that I spotted in the ditch up the lane about ten minutes ago.


  1. Hope winters eternal... Only kidding. Do you ever see any newts (great crested or smooth)? Haven't seen one since the 70s.

  2. We had a smooth newt in the pool once (which I rescued and took to a neighbour's pond)and I saw lots in a flooded quarry on Dartmoor - to which we could take you. Otherwise, no.
    I did read your latest post but couldn't think of a suitable comment (except perhaps that you won't be working for partworks again . . .).


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