Thursday 26 May 2011


As I have a few days’ break between modules 5 and 6 of the novel-writing course I’m doing ( I’ve been tackling those jobs that keep sinking to the bottom of the list such as – gasp of pain – filing.
    In the process however, given that my files date back several decades and my filing tray at least a year, I’ve uncovered some interesting bits and pieces, interesting to me at least, including a folder of my poems.
    I’ve never published them, but here's one now. Be kind, please.

The difference between cats and humans

As I lie
on my back
on the bed,
the cat curls in my armpit.

She purrs,
her head drops,
her eyes close.
She is completely happy.

I have to wake her up to write this down.


  1. 'ah, that's wonderful' (that's what I said out loud to myself when I read it)

  2. Nina, thanks. I'm right chuffed. B


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