Wednesday 16 January 2013

Beams and motes

Being half-Norwegian my mother was ahead of her time with regard to health in so far as the British were concerned. We were pushed outside at every opportunity, even when in our prams. So much so that one of my sisters, with her tan, was taken for an Asian baby. The mainstays of our diet were potato soup, stewed apple and grated raw vegetables. She even managed to persuade my brothers’ prep school to introduce salad into their meals.
    In my teens and early twenties I suffered from anorexia and then compulsive eating. One of the ways I managed to cure myself was by concentrating on the quality of what I ate rather than the quantity. That led to an interest in complementary health and eventually I knew so much about the subject that I was paid to write about it – for magazines, encyclopaedias and partworks (the book/magazine hybrid that you buy in instalments).
    As a hangover from my eating disorder days however I can’t eat chocolate sensibly. I either have lots or I have none at all. I put up with this, allowing myself the occasional binge, as beating oneself up is part of the problem, and not beating oneself up part of the cure.
    On Monday I decided that, since I hadn’t had any chocolate since Christmas, it was time for a binge. I went down to the village shop and bought a mars bar, a mint aero, a small Cadbury’s milk chocolate and a small packet of chocolate raisins. (Posh chocolate is no good for binges. It has to be bog-standard stuff.) Back home I ate them all at once. I felt fine. After supper, I decided that I was still in binge mode, so I had four pieces of ryvita, butter and cheese, which I topped off with a handful of walnuts.
    During the night, my stomach – used to a near-vegan diet – started to complain. I felt violently sick and spent several hours hanging over the red-for-danger bowl that we keep for such purposes.
    The next morning as Frog and I ate our usual breakfast in bed we heard a news item (about a new-style Coca-Cola advertisement) which mentioned that two in three American adults are obese and one in three American children. I began to expound my theory about junk food, that because it lacks the necessary nutrients it doesn’t satisfy. Your body is looking for the vitamins, minerals and so on that it wants and so prompts you to keep eating. ‘A healthy diet is so important,’ I said.
    The room fell silent.
    ‘Ah,’ I said after a few minutes. ‘I’m a fine one to talk.’
    Luckily, Frog laughed otherwise I might have bopped him one.

A couple of the books to which I have contributed


  1. Hi Belinda, great to have your stuff to read again, lots of thought provoking things pouring out at the moment! I always want to write lots of insightful responses, but never know where to start, and wouldn't know where to stop! I'm always here reading though....

  2. Nina - great to hear from and to know you're there. I feel rather the same about your blog* and all the wonderful arty things you do (and me not knowing what to say about them but enjoying them nonetheless).
    I feel restored blog-wise for having a break, and am really enjoying it again.
    * and for anyone else who's reading this, that's The Owl and the Pussy Cat - link to the right

  3. hi Belinda - thanks so much for your honesty and for saying exactly how it is for you around food and eating and health....I felt really moved reading your blog.....and made me wonder if I could ever write on my blog about how it is for me too, as recently I have been feeling the shadow of an old eating disorder creeping into my days.... XX

  4. Trish - thank you for that. Knowing that I've reached people makes it all worthwhile.
    And it's the painful honesty of your blog that has inspired me. x

  5. Stolen chocolate tastes best...

  6. This is a side of you I didn't know about . . .


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