Tuesday 5 July 2011

Still crazy after all these years*

I follow four blogs at the moment (details in my profile) and each of them teaches me something different – about how to be and about how to write. ‘Reading the Signs’ (http://www.readingthesigns.blogspot.com/ ) is my most recent discovery. The writer suffers from ME and the blog is an extraordinarily honest account of her pain.
    I wasn’t brought up to feel pain. I was brought up to ‘get on with things’, to ‘stop making a fuss’ and to smile. The trouble is though, if you stop feeling pain, you stop feeling anything. And, for someone who wants to write - or live, that is poison.
    My pain is my numbness. Every three weeks I have a migraine and that, I believe, is my accumulated psychic pain looking for a way out.
    There, I’ve said it. I’ve admitted to feeling pain. And you’re the first to hear it.

*This is a Paul Simon song title. I hope he doesn't mind me using it.


  1. May I be the first to congratulate you? Not on the pain, obviously - but on nailing it (naming it). For who wants to end up like poor, fragmented Mrs. Gradgrind from Hard Times:

    'I think there's a pain somewhere in the room,' said Mrs. Gradgrind, 'but I couldn't positively say that I have got it.'

  2. Love the quote. I didn't know it.


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